Truck Accident Expert Articles

Trucker Lingo 101

10-4: I heard you
10 Wheeler: Straight truck with three axles ie; dump truck
18 Wheeler: Regular 5 axle tractor trailer combination
30 or 40 Weight: Coffee
Alligator (Gator): Shredded tire on the road
B-Train: Two trailers connected by a fifth wheel trailer
Bad Bear: Trucker pulled over
Barney Fife: Overly-eager police
Bear Bait: A speeding four wheeler without a radio or scanner
Bear in the Air: An airplane or helicopter
Bear Report: Truckers heading opposite directions exchange last know locations of bears (police)
Bear Trap: A speed trap with multiple officers
Beaver: A woman
Beaver with a Kickstand: A Gay Man
Bed Bug Hauler: Furniture mover
Belly Wrap: Straps placed around a load of pipe to keep it bound together
Bobtailing: Driving without a trailer
BTW: Behind the wheel
Bubblegum Machine: A police car with the lights on
Buck 10: 110 km/hour
Buck Board: A flatbed truck with 4-6 wheels
Buster Brown Driver: UPS Driver
Candy Wrapper: A state trooper in an unmarked vehicle
Chicken Coop: Weigh Station
Chicken Lights: Extra marker lights – decorative lights
Choke and Puke: Restaurant
Christmas Tree: A truck and trailer with a lot of lights
City Kitty: Local police officer
Clean and Green: No police or speed trap ahead
Comic Book: Log book
Conestoga wagon: A flatbed with a retractable cover
County Mounty: Sheriff officer

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