Truck Accident Expert Articles

How to Increase Dashcam Adoption

Some trucking companies have struggled with adoption of in cab camera systems. One company, American Central Transport, has increased adoption of camera systems. They accomplished the increased usage by increasing pay for drivers who install a dashboard camera ( AKA dashcam or drivecam ) system in their tractor. The implementation had some staggering results.


Drivecam Dashcam dashboard  camera - Truck Safety ExpertsA lesson on how to increase dash cam adoption?

The overall statistics show law enforcement adoption of body cameras increasing. Cameras increase accountability and public trust. It would seem to make sense that truck drivers and trucking companies would all be on board. But it isn't quite so.

In the trucking industry drivers have been hesitant to adopt Electronic Logging Devices (ELDs) and Dashcam systems citing the devices intrude on their privacy.

One person who writes on a trucking blog site as Rhino2604 says the following: “Do you really think those cameras are there to protect you? Think again. It's to release them from certain liabilities...... I.e. Hang you out to dry.” and another driver who goes by Jaguar115 said “On a serious note. .I was thinking of a black Sharpie pen coloring the lens looking at the driver. ..”

These devices, however, are likely to increase security and provide critical documentation for motor carriers and operators just as they have in law enforcement.

American Central Transport's Truck Driver's Incentive

Earlier this year, American Central Transport (ACT), which is based in Liberty Missouri, announced it would increase truck driver pay for camera installation. The motor carrier has approximately 390 company drivers and independent contractors.

ACT offered free installation of the video recorders for all 80 of its independent contractors. It also has increased the pay for these independent contractors by 2-cents-per-mile who allow the cameras to be installed.

The company went further in mid 2015 and made the announcement that it would install the cameras system in all of its company vehicles. Company drivers also received the $0.02 per mile pay increase.

Drivecam Implementation Results Amazing

According to a report, ACT’s results from the dashcam program are staggering. The company reported 16 accidents to the U.S. Department of Transportation in the first six months of 2014. In the the first quarter of 2015 the company's reported accidents dropped to four. Between February and September of 2015 the number of reported accidents was one. It has been reported this truck accident was not the Commercial Driver's License (CDL) holder's fault!

ACT CSA score changed dramatically

As a result of this significant decrease in accidents, the company's Compliance Safety Accountability (CSA) score dropped significantly. According to the president of ACT, Tom Kretsinger, the crash score has decreased from 70 to 12.

Lytx, Inc. Drivecam Cameras Chosen by ACT.

The cameras chosen by ACT are dashcams manufactured and monitored by Lytx, a San Diego California based company. These devices have forward and rear facing cameras which document what happens in front of the commercial vehicle as well as the actions of the driver inside the cab. When incidents occur, a video of the incident is uploaded to Lytx. The video shows approximately 10 seconds before and 10 seconds after the incident. Lytx then analyzes video to determine what was going on at the time of the incident.

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