Digital Evidence Articles

Cell Phone Forensics Expert: Trends in Technology 2014

2013 Trend Numbers Are In.

2013 was certainly a year to be remembered, from politics to the people who were born and died, it will be a difficult year to forget. From a technology standpoint, it is also nothing to shake a stick at. The ever anticipated 2014 Internet Trends report from Kleiner, Perkins, Caufield and Byers (KPCB) a venture capital firm located in Menlo Park, California in Silicon Valley, was released in late May of 2014. The report points out some fascinating facts about the digital world that we live in. This report, released every year, highlights the global trends in technology for that year. From cell phone usage to computer usage, it’s all here.

Cell Phone Forensics Expert Witness

What do the numbers show?

The first part of the report showcases that approximately 30% of the world’s cell phone owners use smartphones. Which seems like a small number compared to 70% who have a “basic” cell phone. But consider the possibilities. Mobile web reach is up almost 10% from 2012. This means that the market for mobile advertisements has increased by 10%. This number shows no signs of stopping, especially when mobile data usage accounts for over 25% of all web usage. Currently, more than a quarter of the market has a web capable cell phone, a 14% increase from last year. Another interesting trend is the sales of tablets such as the iPad and Galaxy Tab, which shipped at a 50% higher rate than in 2013. Meanwhile, sales of laptops and desktops are starting to slow down.

What are we doing with this extra technology? For the most part, we are surfing the web. 49% of smartphone users and 66% of tablet users navigate the internet from their mobile device. They also shop, check sports scores, look up that actor from the TV they can’t remember the name of, send email texts, and of course update social media.

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What does this growth really mean though? It does a couple of things from a security/forensics point of view. First off, it increases the need for a specialist in cases involving such devices. Mobile devices are different, no two manufacturers are alike, and with this comes complications. Having someone who can navigate the veritable sea of issues and problems is important. These trends also bring about a much darker realization. Mobile devices will become more of a target. There is no way for the user to avoid computer security issues. The amount of data that can be found or hacked on a mobile device is astronomical. Therefore, these devices should be protected with the same or better procedures than a computer.

Social Media’s Impact.

One of the biggest challenges being faced is the social network explosion. For instance, the number of photos shared every day on social networks is huge. Upwards of 1.2 billion (with a B) pictures per day, compared to about 350 million in 2012. By one estimate this number has reached over 1.8 billion already in 2014. These numbers include photos supplied by apps such as Flicker, Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, and WhatsApp, just to name a few. Especially with cheaper smartphones on the rise, these numbers will jump before the year is out.

How is SEO affected by this?

For those interested in SEO (Search Engine Optimization) you will be interested to know that only about 1/6th of the traffic on Google is from inside the US. The rest is from international customers, making it easier than ever to go international with your business. This, coupled with the increased smartphone usage and mobile data, is becoming clearer the world expects a mobile platform for whatever they are doing. Employees at Evidence Solutions for instance have apps to book travel plans, hail a taxi, order pizza, inventory evidence on-site, and pay their dinner tab, all from their smartphone.

The mobile age is now, if you are not already on board, it’s time to buy a ticket.

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