Digital Evidence Articles

Cell Phone Forensic Expert: Driving with a Cell Phone policy

Cell Phone Forensic Expert: Driving with a Cell Phone policy

In today's technology world, almost every company uses computers. Here are some sample policies which can be used in your organization.

Cell Phone Use While Driving Policy

Our Company recognizes that the employees are our most valuable asset and the most important contributors to our continued growth and success. Our Company is firmly committed to the safety of our employees. Our Company will do everything possible to prevent workplace accidents and is committed to providing a safe working environment for all employees.

To further this goal, Our Company has developed a Cell Phone/Hand-Held Device Use Policy effective [Effective date].

Driver inattention may be a factor in a majority of motor vehicle accidents. We are not only concerned about your welfare as a Company employee but also the welfare of others who could be put in harm's way by inattentive driving.

Mobile phone and other handheld device use while driving is a common, often harmful, distraction. Many states and localities have prohibited mobile phone/handheld device use while driving and/or required BlueTooth technology.

As a driver, your first responsibility is to pay attention to the road. When driving on business, or driving while conducting business on behalf of the company in any other manner, the following applies:

Definition - Mobile Hand Held Units: Handheld devices may include cell phones, pagers, tablets, faxes and other communication devices.

  • Allow voicemail to handle your calls and return them when safe.
  • If you need to place or receive a call, pull off the road to a safe location and stop the vehicle before using your phone.
  • Ask a passenger to make or take the call.
  • Inform regular callers of the best time to reach you based upon your driving schedule.
  • The only exception to this policy is for calls placed to 9-1-1.
  • If placing or accepting an emergency call, keep the call short and use hands-free options, if available.
  • When receiving an emergency call, ask the caller to hold briefly until you can safely pull your vehicle off the road.

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Digital Evidence

Digital Evidence Scott Greene
