Digital Evidence Articles

5 Cell Phone Battery Myths - Cell Phone Forensics Experts

5 Things You Should Know.

It seems like there are as many rumors about how you should be charging your phone and how to make that battery last longer. These are just a few of the myths that we hear most often.

5 Cell Phone Battery Myths - Cell Phone Forensics Expert

#1 Off-brand smart phone chargers will not work.

Off-brand chargers may not work as well, but they will still work. Thankfully (with the exception of Apple products), the vast majority of cell phones use the same charger. Even the new USB 3.0 cables are backward compatible. This means that with just about any phone you get, you can share chargers with everyone else. Just because they don't say Samsung or LG on the side, doesn't mean that they won't work just as well. Do beware of ultra-cheap "knock-off" brand chargers, which could damage your phone.

#2 Don't use your cell phone while it charges

There were a few incidents back in 2012 where people experienced exploding phones when they were being charged. These were due to a bad batch of batteries that had been recalled not long before. Since then, it has been a widely held myth that you shouldn't use your phone while it charges. While there still is the possibility of bad batteries, the likelihood of this happening again is very small.

#3 Charging your cellular phone overnight will kill the battery

By kill the battery we assume they mean make it less able to hold a charge. While it is true that keeping a lithium battery overcharged will make it less efficient, most modern-day phones will shut off the power supply when they are charged and will recharge as necessary, therefore keeping your phone's battery charge where it needs to be.

#4 Don't charge your mobile device until it's completely dead

Again, lithium is a factor here. Lithium is really meant to have a charge all the time, otherwise, it will degrade with each "drainage" of power, eventually ruining the battery. So, it is generally best to keep your phone charged between 40-80% to keep it working at its maximum efficiency.

#5 You never need to turn off your phone or tablet

Just like any other computer you might have, it likes to have a little nap every now and then. Whether it is just a quick reboot or even turned off overnight. Rebooting or shutting down the phone for a while allows the phone's operating system, whether: Android, Blackberry or iOS to start fresh. Give your phone a break and turn it off or reboot it once a week.

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Digital Evidence Scott Greene
